Sunday, May 17, 2015

People Protesting the Yom Yerushalayim Flag Parade: I HAVE AN OPINION TOO

Probably the most beautiful parade in this country and people protest it?! They said that it offends other people living in Jerusalem. How does young kids carrying a flag, of the country you live in affect people negatively? It is as if we are turning into America, where you have to be a fanatic to even think about holding up your own country's flag, with pride. No proud American would even think to pledge allegiance.  
Protest something else. Anything else. Protest the Christian international support parade for Israel, on Sukkot. That is even more offensive. A parade for people who are not boycotting and divesting from Israel. That is offensive to everybody, not just to Jerusalemites. That is offensive to the world. Do they not support Europe? Have they not watched the news over the past 20 years?

I personally find the flag parade to be the most beautiful thing I have seen in Israel, along with the walk around the Old City on Tisha BAv.
Here goes my thoughts...Once you start crying and arguing that it is offensive to the local residents of the city, that you are celebrating the unity of the city, you are saying that you do not support your city's right to exist. The Muslim population should join in the parade. They she be proud to be part of this beautiful country. They should be holding up the flags and singing 'Am Yisrael Chai.'
'We are offending the Jordanians.' Although I also feel bad for the Jordanians, we have to get over it. 1967 was a while ago. 
Call me right wing, but I do not feel bad for the people who hate Jerusalem, and are offended by people's being happy about their country and their city. I do not feel any hatred for those who are proud of Jerusalem and Israel. I do feel a little awkward for peaceful youth and grownups walking through Jerusalem, being called racist, because they are carrying an Israeli flag.
I understand that it gives the Meretz party and Shalom Achshav people something to do, and it is beautiful that they have a reason to come out to Jerusalem on Yom Yerushalayim as well. But why do you have such hatred for little religious (Dati) kids who do not want to be scared walking through the Old City of Jerusalem?
The signs at the protest claiming that the city is not for everybody and that somehow celebrating Jerusalem is 'racism,' should have read 'Jerusalem is not for the religious.'

Point: There should be a world for students, where they can do whatever they want. A world where they can have their opinions which allow for their 'lets get along and hate everybody' religion they got going. A world where your parents send you to school so that you can tell them they are wrong. And then there should be another world for the rest of us. A world where people have to make money.

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